Research Center accredited by CNCSIS

National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education

Director: prof dr George I Mihalas


Strategic objectives:

  - Participation in a FP7 Consortium for “Virtual Physiological Human”

  - Collaboration with similar teams

- Co-operation in scientific projects


Scientific objectives:

  - Elaborate mathematical models for biological systems relevant to human physiology and cell biology

  - Develop computer software for simulations based on mathematical models of biological processes

  - Process experimental data for model validation

  - Analyze medical data and apply information technology in health care

  - Conduct research projects in national and international collaboration





4       Medical Informatics Group

4       Biophysiscs Group

4       Physiology Group


Organized Events:

Workshop MIE’96: Modeling and Simulation of Biological Processes, Copenhagen, August, 1996

National Medical Informatics Conference MEDINF 2002: Trends in Romanian e-Health, June 13-15, 2002, Timişoara Romania.

STC2006 & Romedinf - EFMI Special Topic Conferences: Integrating Biomedical Information: from eCell to ePacientApril 6 – 8, 2006, Timisoara, Romania.  



Grant MCT 1997/1998 Modelarea matematica si simularea pe calculator a reglajului genetic cu gene interrelate

Grant VIASAN 312/2004: BIOVIEW – program package for biological systems simulation with dedicated interface.

FP6 IST Programme nr. 027370/2005: QREC -  European Quality Labeling and Certification of Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs)

Grant CEEX 11/2005: NANOSIM – Transport and structure formation at the micro/nanometer length scale in biomedicine and materials science.

Grant CEEX 2006: MaternQual – Integrated information system for evaluating the factors associated with risk prediction and quality in obstetrics.



Mihalaş G.I, Niculescu-Duvaz I., Simon Z. – Trigger with positive control for gene activity regulation. Computer simulation. Studia Biophysica 1985, vol. 107, nr. 3, p 223-229

Mihalaş G I. Computer Simulation of Membrane Phenomena R. In: Salamon, B. Blum., M. Jorgense (eds), MEDINFO 86, North Holland, Amsterdam 1986, p.1118

Mihalaş G I – Computers in Biophysical Analysis of Epithelial Secretory Membranes – in „Progress in Computer-Assisted Function Analysis”, J.L. Willems, J H van Bemmel, J. Michel, eds, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1988, p. 149-154

Mihalaş G I, Kigyosi A, Lungeanu D, Vernic C. Modeling and simulation in molecular pharmacology. In: Cesnik B, Mc Cray AT, Scherrer J R, (eds). MEDINFO’98 , IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1998: 372-375

Mihalaş G I. Modelling and simulation in medicine and life sciences. Medical Informatics, (Taylor &Francis) vol 23, (no. 2), 1998: 93-96

Lungeanu D, Popa C, Hotca S, Macovievici G. Modelling biological depth perception in inocular vision: the local disparity estimation. Medical Informatics (Taylor&Francis Ltd); 1998, vol. 23, no. 2: 131-14

Mihalaş G I, Simon Z, Balea G, Popa E. Possible Oscillatory Behaviour in P53-MDM2 Interaction. Computer Simulation. Journal of Biological Systems, vol. 8, nr. 1, 2000: 21-29

Neagu Monica, Neagu A.  On the Na, K pump in fluctuating membrane potential, European Biophysics Journal, 30 , 221 (2001).   

Neagu A, Neagu Monica, Dér A. Fluctuations and the Hofmeister effect, Biophysical Journal, 81, 1285 (2001).

Mihalas G I, Zaharie D, Kigyosi A. Step-wise or Continous Activation in Cell Regulation? A Comparative Study of p53-mdm2 Interaction by Computer Simulation. In: Fieschi M et al (eds), MEDINFO2004, Amsterdam: IOS Press,1758

Mihalaş Gh. I., Neamţu M., Opriş D., Horhat F.R.  A dynamic p53-Mdm2 Model with Time delay. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals J., 30, (2006), no. 4, pp. 936-945.